Chartis Research’s latest report provides an overview of trends in financial crime compliance systems that include KYC and AML capabilities. The report positions AML solution vendors as ‘Best of Breed Solutions’, ‘Point Solutions’, ‘Enterprise Solutions’ and ‘Category Leaders’ based on market potential and completeness of offering. Clari5 is positioned as a ‘Category Leader’ in the RiskTech Quadrant for AML solutions, 2020.
Increasing levels of cybercrime and an ever-changing regulatory landscape makes a technology-driven compliance function a necessity rather than a competitive advantage.

With increasing diversity in the banking customers’ age groups, needs, values, priorities and perspectives, banks interact with many ‘generations’ of customers. Multigeneration banking evolved from the need for providing personalized and unique experiences to a variety of customer segments.
From driverless cars to virtual personal assistants, AI is transforming industry sectors but not really when it comes to banking regulatory compliance. Implementing AI-based regtech early can help accelerate compliance.