
Clari5 Customer Looped Alert Management Service (CLAMS)

Empowering customers to directly, quickly verify banking and payment transactions using customer’s preferred mode of communication. Connecting banks with their customers by directly looping customers to get feedback on the transactions performed to make online banking and payments safe.

Clari5 Customer Looped Alert Management Service (CLAMS)

Clari5 CLAMS is a new transaction verification SaaS solution by global Banking Enterprise Fraud and Risk Management category leader to connect customers with their banks to verify banking and payment transactions performed using cards, digital banking and UPI.

Clari5 CLAMS is an omnichannel feature, including one of the most popular communication channels – WhatsApp, for transaction verification, however not leaving other customers whose preferred modes may be either SMS or phone call.

Clari5 CLAMS ensures timely verification directly by the customers to safeguard them from the rising financial risk of losing money through digital transactions.

How Clari5 CLAMS Works